Thursday, April 03, 2008

"You'll be here next week, right?"

We are going for some sort of record here. This is the response that I have gotten from the school psychologist at Emily's Early Learning Center for 6 straight encounters. The first time was the week I asked them to help her get into the autism program. That day I spoke both with the director of this program and this psychologist. They were going to decide which school would do the evaluation and get back to me. The following week, the psy said that Emily's current school would do the eval, and that she and the school social worker would observe Emily the following week. When we came back in, the psy told me that the social worker didn't show up, so we would have to reschedule for the next week. That week rolled around, and they both observed her in the gross motor room (Emily's favorite place in the world) and then psy came in for the group sing. The next week, I was expecting the results of the eval, but instead the psy gave me forms to fill out and bring in the following week. I gave them to Emily's teacher on Monday, and when we came to the school, the psy still hadn't reviewed them. She had the nerve to say, "You'll be here next week, right?"

To add more salt to my wounds, Emily's teacher asked me, "Did R tell you how many good social cues she picked up on when she observed Emily?" Warning bells started going off in my head. I wanted to cry or bang my head against the wall! A school psychologist in a center for children with disabilities should know better! Makes me want to send her the link to Autism Speaks so that she can study up on the excellent video clips they have. We are wasting precious time. Anyway, when she said that about next week, I told her yes, we would be there, but I really wanted to get this going sooner. She said that she had my phone number and walked away.

So, I did what I probably should not have. I called the director of the other program. Not that it did any good because she still has not returned my call. Jason and I talked about it and I am going to call the psy this afternoon if I have not heard from her. I have the phone number for the director of Emily's school that I can call as well, but in past experience making too many people mad just hurts my kids. I know the Lord is in control, and I need to hand this over. It is so hard.

As a side note, I do love, love, love Emily's teacher. She has been a lifeline for me, and I refuse to let her get stuck in the middle of all this.

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