Friday, August 29, 2008

Behold the power of Juice Box

Target had a good sale on juice boxes, so we stocked up last week. Since then, the kids have been eyeballing the juice boxes because I told them they were only for school. So, last night Alex announced that he was ready to begin school even though he had previously explained he would not start until September. At 9:30, he said, "Let's start school now!" Immediately suspicious and always a prankster, I said, "okay, let's go." As I was continuing with the ruse, Alex asked, "Can I have a juice box now?" BUSTED! LOL!

This morning, Alex was ready to go until I told him he could have his juice box at break and not before. He developed a sore knee that could only be treated with a juice box. The flow of tears convinced me that we needed to start on a positive note this year. After a frank discussion about how we needed to take homeschooling very seriously and do our best, I gave him the juice box. So far, so good.

Who knew that juice boxes had medicinal properties?