Thursday, April 10, 2008

And three makes a complete set

I took the kids back to the developmental pedi for Laura's appointment. She has some great social skills, but she is also on the spectrum. She will also have more learning difficulties than Alex and probably Emily. It hurts, even though I can't say I was surprised. I was hopeful that she would not be on the spectrum--her oddness is nothing like the other two--but here we are. She *is* a princess. She eats, sleeps, drinks, dreams princess stuff. It is so cute that I forget that this level of obsession isn't normal. But, what is cute for a 5.5 year old will not be cute in a few years.

On the other hand, I had the most wonderful exchange with Emily today! She sat on my lap and had a conversation with me! A first! She was feeding a tiny toy dog some pretend cookies and cocoa on a tray, and here is our exchange:

Me: Emily, what is that? Is it a cookie?
Em: Yeah! Cookie!
Me: Is this a cookie? (Pointing at the cocoa)
Em: YES!
Me: No, that's not a cookie! (Tickling)
Em: There's a cookie! (Pointing at a box of cracker)
Me: Silly girl, that's a cracker!
Em: Nooooooooooo, cooooooooooookie!
Me: Nooooooooooo, cracker!

This was just music to my ears!

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