Sunday, February 10, 2008

I ended up in Alex's Sunday School class today. I am the Sunday School partner for a little Kindergarten girl in our Special Needs ministry. Basically I just go with her to Sunday School and if she needs a break or other attention, I am right there dedicated to just her. Alex has a partner too, and today the 1st grade and the Kindergarten classes were combined, so I was sitting in Alex's room. He did really well, behavior-wise, but it is becoming increasingly more apparent that he is "different." He has been in this class for months, and yet he doesn't even look at the other little kids. He answered all the questions that his teacher asked him, and did exactly what he was told to do. I got to wondering if this is the version of Alex that his teacher saw. Polite and quiet, easily ignored and forgotten when you've got 12 other kids who are more needy and disruptive. As a Mom, I knew that the expressionless look on Alex's face was him withdrawing. I can see how a classroom teacher would absolutely love a kid like Alex and think that he was just being compliant.

We are going to have to seriously beef up his social interactions, specifically with play. I'm glad I got this opportunity to see it in action though, and I am feeling much better that the school portion is not going to hinder his social skills--he wasn't getting the right kind of social training anyway.

Alex's new curriculum arrived on Friday. I got my week's lesson plans together yesterday, and Alex and I went to Target to get some more supplies and prizes to use at school. I'm nervous, but sooooo excited about getting this really going!

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