Thursday, February 21, 2008

Alex did very well today. I did notice that he was having difficulty staying still, but he did focus. Have to keep an eye on that. With the additional subjects, school is taking about an hour longer. I broke up the day with lunch time, and that seemed to be good for him. I'm trying techniques suggested by his OT about slowing his speech and his body movements down. I take for granted that I can either speed up or slow down whenever I wish. With Alex, he is on high speed all the time, and slowing down is challenging. I always reward him by letting him go fast at the end--he loves it.

On the other hand, I've been trying to do the deep breathing and other calming techniques that the therapist recommends--Alex wants nothing to do with those!

Last night we went to Sparks for the first time in months. Alex was hesitant at first, but when he saw the kids running relays, he jumped right in as I escaped upstairs. I came back to check on him, and one of the leaders told me that Alex was participating in the small groups! When I came down to get him and Laura at the end, he was grinning and playing happily with some of the other boys. He even asked me if he could stay longer.

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