Wednesday, October 04, 2006

We are continuing to work on vowel sounds. Alex pretty much has them down. He does stumble over U at times. Today we learned how to write the letter O. In HWT, the instructions have children draw the O counterclockwise, but Alex has much more control going in the other direction. Today is Camera Wednesday, and on our walk, we met a neighbor with 5 birds! Alex liked looking at them, but he did not want to pet one. I got some good pictures for Alex's book!

We began the evaluation process through the local school system this week, and Friday is our first home visit. I hope we can find a way to get Alex speech and OT.

I also finally found and scheduled an appointment for a developmental pediatrician. Unfortunately, her next opening is in FEBRUARY!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Monday--It was difficult getting Alex to stay on task today. We started later, as I posted last week, but today that was not a good thing. Tomorrow, I'm going to start at 9:15 to see what happens. Also, I'm going to expand from 4 days to 5 to see if that keeps Alex in a good routine.

The curriculum suggests that we stay on "I" for this entire week. I'm not so sure Alex needs that much time, and I'm not sure how to speed things up yet.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Thursday was very interesting. We got started late because I had to take Emily to the ER the night before. She is fine, but we all got to bed late. I started around 10am, and what a difference! Alex wanted to do several workbook pages in the HWT curriculum. I was very impressed! We did P, M, and D.

I think I am going to start school either at 9:30 or 10am every day next week to see if there is a clear difference in Alex's attention span vs this just being a good day.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Alex looks forward to this all week. All of our activities are centered around taking and printing pictures. We will be going for a walk with our neighbor and her children, and Alex will take pictures of things we find on the way.

Today's seatwork (HWT) time was insightful. Alex was happy that we used the slate to make the letter of the day, "E," but he was very whiny. I think I figure somethings out about this time. First, we do this at the kitchen table. I think it is too high for him, and we are going to move down to the classroom and Alex's little desk tomorrow. When I put him on my lap to finish his page, he did better. Also, on the second half of the worksheet, I had Alex count the strokes it takes to make an E, and everytime he made a mark, we counted. He loves numbers, so counting while he was writing was very effective.

Well, snack time is almost over, so we are off to do our weather and calendar charts, memory verses, and our craft (picture book because it is CAMERA WEDNESDAY!).
For Tuesday--

Alex had a difficult time concentrating, but he did enjoy working with the HWT wood pieces. He was so proud of himself for making all of the letters of his name and an "O." Our letter of the day was capital "F" and loved singing the Letter Song and listing words that start with F, especially my name, Fran. He did the first workbook page using the letter F. His grip is improving, but he gets tired and easily frustrated with writing. I'm trying to keep it short and sweet.

He did a water table activity first, and although that was messy, he thoroughly enjoyed it! For craft/OT, he created a multi-media picture of the sky and grass with an apple tree and flowers. The apples and flower tops were pompoms--he loved gluing them on. "Dot, glue, wiggle!"

He is amazing me with his memory verses! He will randomly quote them thoughout the day.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

(Early Tuesday)

The curriculum finally arrived! I got both the A Beka and the Handwriting Without Tears. I am going to do the HWT all this week, then I'll start in on the A Beka. Both approach handwriting in a completely different way, UGH! In just one session of working with the manipulatives in the HWT kit, Alex's writing is much improved! I just couldn't believe it! We sing the song, "When you want to write a letter, start at the top" song (to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It") constantly, and he just loves that. I love the wood pieces because Alex seems to work best when he can handle a manipulative then apply what he has learned.

Well, school starts in 10 mins, gotta finish my coffee now!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Today was "Picture Wednesday!" Alex loves taking pictures with the digital camera, so for table time, we took pictures of him outside and pictures of him taking pictures. He thought that was the best thing in the world. Then we came inside and printed four of the pictures for his very own "picture book." This will be the Mayflower Academy yearbook. (I got him an 8.5x11 Creative Memories album last night to use as his picture book. We will add his craft/art projects and progress reports to the pictures throughout the year.) For craft time, he helped me crop the pictures and paste them on the cover page. He wrote his name and placed the title. We also did our usual--counting, sorting, practice writing, etc. For story time, we used the LeapPad and listened to/played with the Nemo cartridge. Just after 11am, we took Emily out for a walk. We met up with our neighbor and her two children and had a great "nature" walk. Alex, of course, still had his camera, and he took pictures of a squirrel and a yellow leaf. I will try to upload them sometime today.

Today I think I learned more than I taught. Alex was trying to pull a piece of tape off the dispenser, and he was struggling with it. I automatically reached over to help, and he said, "Let me do it." I realized that he tells me that many times a day. In order to teach him to be independent, I MUST LET GO! Oh, that is going to be a hard lesson for me! Later as we were working on Alex's picture book, I got into hyper-scrap mode. I actually caught myself redoing the page after Alex finished it. So what if the "Y" in Mayflower was upside down? It was Alex's effort, not mine, and he was happy with it. I don't want Alex to ever think that his best is never good enough for me. As long as he tries his hardest and does his best, it will be perfect in my eyes.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Day Two started with an unexpected experiment. I forgot to give Alex his clonidine this morning. This was an eye-opener, and I will not forget to give it to him again. We were in the middle of practicing writing, and he could not sit still for long. I'm glad this experiment happened so that I could see the effect of the ADHD on his ability to learn. He was happy and cooperative, but he just could not stay on task. Of course his new electric pencil sharpener had something to do with it as well!

Still, we followed the same routine as yesterday: pledge, pray, table time (SpongeBob Playdoh today!), then downstairs for writing practice, review of memory verse and personal information. We listened to a CD and had a Music and Movement session to Alex's favorite song, "Going on a Bear Hunt." When he asked to sort his multi-colored counting beads, I was surprised because yesterday he resisted this exercise. He grouped the beads by color, adn then I asked him to count each set as he put them back in the container. He looked at each set, counted them by just LOOKING at them, then counted backwards as he put them away! I was thrilled! I had no idea he could do this! Then we did our picture craft on "light" and "dark." Our last exercise downstairs was a workbook page on A,B,C. By this time I had pretty much lost Alex's attention entirely. We came back upstairs for story time--Dr Suess's "Hop On Pop." Alex sat nicely for the story.

I got up late today, so I have not had my quiet time yet. I stayed up late working on a school project of my own, so I did not get enough sleep. This basically wrecked my morning routine because all three kids got up when I did. I had to rush with Laura, and she was having a rough morning already. This is a great lesson for me to #1--stop procrastinating on my own school work and #2--get up early even if I am tired! =0)

Monday, September 11, 2006

Mayflower Academy began its first day with one student, my son Alex. We began the day with the Pledge and a prayer. Then, we had Table Time in the dining room. Today Alex played with PlayDoh, and he used a template to decorate a birthday cake. He did a nice job creating dots and snakes to make the decorations and candles. He was ready to stop after about 10 minutes, so I had him put the PlayDoh back into the right containers. (Table Time gave me a chance to get Emily dressed and fed.)

Next we all went downstairs. I put Emily down to play in the toy area while Alex got settled at his desk. While I got ready, Alex practiced writing his name as small as possible. It still filled the entire dry erase board, but each attempt was better. Alex enjoyed using the squeegie to clean the board. Next, we reviewed Alex's name, address, phone number, and our memory verse for the week (Gen 1:1). For our craft and OT time, we illustrated the memory verse. Alex cut strips of blue construction paper, and then tore the strips into large square. He then glued these squares on the top half of a white sheet. Then he cut 3 strips of green paper and glued then on the bottom half of the white sheet. (By this time, he was getting very tired and resisting directions.) We finished his project by lableing the blue half "sky" and the green "half" grass. As we learn more about Creation, we will continue with the other days. Alex cleaned up his desk, and then we all headed outside for recess and PE.